Sunday, December 8, 2019
Marketing Strategies Engaging Generation -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Marketing Strategies A Engaging Generation? Answer: Introduction Go! 21 is an Irish consultancy firm which is committed towards providing consultancy advice to the various students who want to pursue a career and complete their graduation or post graduation in a foreign university in Ireland (Go! 21 Education. 2018). The consultancy mainly operations caters to the South-east Asian students and provides them free multilingual online consultancy which assists them while their application process, accommodation and scholarship procedure. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) The Search Engine Optimization can be defines as improving as well as increasing the quality as well as the quality of the traffic on the path of the website with the help of organic search engine methods and results. In the given method, the visitors are attracted to their website by using Google techniques whereby the Goggle keeps showing the given advertisement irrespective of the fact that the requirement of the company is related or not. Using this method, the company wants to attract the visitors who are interested in the products offered by the organization (Andreson, Narus and van Rossum 2016 pp.91-99). Go! 21 use this method to optimize their website views and pays a good amount to Google who shows their website link whenever the term Ireland is used. The facebook page, community page as well as the official website of the company is available easily on the net. Video Content Marketing (VCM) The video content marketing has recently become extremely popular due to the new trend of the increased usage of mobile phones and tablets. This is because it is extremely cheaper than a laptop or a monitor. The cloud based technology and fast Wifi helps the users to use the facility anywhere and everywhere. Hence, the new trend in marketing is video content marketing (Armstrong et al. 2015). It is cheap accessible and a very high Return on Investment. According to a survey conducted, around 55% of the population view videos and it is also observed that almost all videos on Twitter are viewed using a mobile phone. Hence, if the company gives its advertisements by using a video content that there are high view chances which would make the firm`s services very popular among the different users (Ardley 2016). Go! 21 use this medium extensively by posting various videos on its social media websites and webpage as well. These videos tend to explain the services which are given by the company and also have a clip of the different customers narrating their experience related to the company. Social Media Marketing (SMM) Social media marketing refers to the usage of social media platforms and websites in order to promote a product or a service. Social media marketing has become one of the most popular methods of digital marketing whereby there exists a built in data analytics which helps a company to track its progress, check its success and view the success of their advertisement campaigns on social media (Babin and Zikmund 2015). There are a large number of options available for social media marketing which range from Facebook, twitter and Instagram. There are millions of viewers on these websites which can be useful for any business. Application to Go! 21have a large follower base on both the websites (Baker and Saren 2016). On Instagram the company has 790 followers and on Facebook it has about 1500 people talking about it. It posts various video clips and informational data on these pages. The company makes use of various user refined system in order to customize its advertisement for the different crowds. Pay per Click Display Advertising (PPC) This method is a latest method in digital marketing which helps the company to list the company`s ad on the top and exactly on the right side of organic search listings. This system starts working when anyone clicks on the ad (Coombes and Nicholson 2013 pp.656-664). The payment is made on a limited budget, whenever the total amount paid to Google gets over, the ad stops running until they have been replenished again. This method is used to attract new visitors to the site. Go! 21 understand the importance of digital marketing and have therefore invested in the pay per click scheme which is offered by Google (Czinkota and Ronkainen 2013). Hence, through this opportunity, go! 21 has its advertisements displayed in various educational websites, travel websites and other websites related to Ireland so as to ensure maximum clicks. These clicks take the user directly to the website of Go! 21. Conversion Optimisation In the domain of internet marketing, conversion optimization or better known as the conversion rate optimization is a system which is responsible for increasing the number of visits to a particular website. In this way the company will be able to make more customers and take interest in the content posted by the given page. The given method is often given the name of CRO. The process comprises of three stages from saw the advertisement to click on the advertisement to buy the product (De Mooij 2013). This method involves highlighting the best aspects about the product so that the customer feels instigating towards the product and ends up buying it Go! 21 are not using the conversion optimisation strategy. The given company does not believe that the use of the conversion optimization strategy will be useful to the company and therefore, it does not make use of the given tool. Mobile Marketing The mobile marketing technique is one of the widely used techniques of multi-channel online marketing which aims to reach to a specific audience using their mobile phones, tablet or other devices with the help of mediums such as emails, Video Messages, SMS, websites , mobile applications and social media websites(Gronroos 2016). As the use of the mobile phone has increased greatly, the companies have started to make the use of this technique in order to grab the attention of the target audience. Go! 21 has greatly targeted the younger crowd below the age of 25 for their university graduation programme. According to Foxall (2014),this particular target market makes extensive use of the mobile phones and the various applications to stay updated. This is the reason why the company makes use of SMS, Application and video messaging technique in order to grab the target audience`s attention (Hair Jr and Lukas 2014). Website Factors Website Factors can be defined as those factors which make the website attractive and makes it appealing to a larger crowd. The given website of a company needs to be visually appealing, polished and quite professional as it creates a first impression in the eyes of the customer. Hence, it is the duty of the business to see to it that the website that they have developed for the customers are user friendly and clearly portrays the message of the company. Without that, the users will not like to visit it again (Hartley and Claycomb 2013). It is also very important that the given site can be easily accessed using either laptop or mobile phones. Convenience of the user also plays an important role. The website of Go! 21 are extremely attractive. The website is divided into different sections, each of which has an attractive picture thereby making sure that the attention of the user is captured. The website is extremely simple to use and has a customer care support section which can be used to clear instant doubts and initiate discussions. This gives lot of advantage to the company in the long run. The website is accessible using both the mobile and computer based web browser. Email Marketing Email marketing can be referred to as the kind of marketing technique whereby a customized mail is sent to very potential client and consists of an offer which may attract the customer towards the company (Kiel 2014). The mail may also consist of an advertisement, business request; solicit sales and donations along with building loyalty and brand awareness. Any user who registers with the website, starts receiving email and other updates so that he/she can remain up to date with the latest offers and latest programs offered by the consultancy company. Responding to Feedback This is one of the most recent forms of advertisement. The given form provides the user a convenience to provide an honest feedback asked on the kind of service that it received from the company. They are free to state their satisfaction as well as dissatisfaction towards the company (Kotler 2015). This feedback left by the user plays a very important role in deciding the fate of the company. If the feedback left is a positive one, then it can influence the other customers to use the given product and if not then it can tarnish the brand name. The business may choose to reply to the given feedback or not. The company has an online presence on various social media websites and applications where the students leave behind various comments and their feedback must be read through and replied to as well. The main motive behind a feedback system is that the company is able to learn from its competitors. Competitor Digital Marketing Strategy: The competitor of the chosen company Go! 21 is another company named MyStudy. The company is also an educational consultancy which provides the company with the given services same as Go! 21: Assistance with application process- The consultancy firm helps the students in applying to the various colleges in Ireland (my. 2018). They give them a comprehensive list of all the colleges present in Ireland and which ones would suit them the best. Accommodation help- The consultancy firm also guides the students to find suitable accommodations in Ireland during their university (Martelo Landroguez, Barroso Castro and Cepeda-Carrin 2013 pp.234-244). Scholarship help- The students who are extremely talented are also helped out with the different scholarships which are available in the given university Building the career- The consultancy firm helps in building the career of a vast number of students. Digital Marketing strategy The digital marketing strategy of my study comprises of the following: A target Market- the Company has targeted a specific set of audience for the services the company provides. The company has decided to target segments of population aged below 25, living outside Ireland and preferably completed high school. This has made their marketing strategy quite refined and the company has been only employing those strategies which are appropriate for the given target market (Grnroos and Voima 2013 pp.133-150). Tools used- The tools used for approaching the customers through digital media include : Social media marketing- The Company has its presence in various platforms like YouTube, Facebook and Instagram. The company refines searches and follows all college groups, school groups and others in order to ensure that no target market is left out. Email marketing- It also uses email marketing as a strategy to reach out to its customers and sends them daily mails that help the customers to understand the kind of services being offered (McDaniel and Gates 2013). Video content- It uploads video clips on social media websites. These clips include videos of the various universities in Ireland along with the experience of the different users who have achieved admission to a good college through the study website. Mobile marketing- The company also sends various emails and messages to the prospective students so that a constant image of the company is developed using this tool Evaluation of strategies- The Company constantly reviews its strategies and changes them according to the needs of the target market and the needs of the competitive environment (McDonagh and Prothero 2014 pp.1186-1219). Auditing and controlling- My study also uses an auditing and controlling technique, with the help of which all the tools which it uses are constantly reviewed for the presence of any loopholes in their digital marketing strategy. Communication with target audience The study communicates with the target audience in the following manner: Emails- The organization keeps sending mails to the students who have availed the services in order to understand if they are facing any problems. It also sends mails to the potential customers to ignite their interest in the company`s services. Live chats- The Company indulges in various live chats on Facebook and Instagram in order to clear the doubts of the various students with respect to the services offered and the various students who got the admissions. Visit to colleges- They also conduct visits to the different colleges and high school exhibitions held and present the kind of services it offers to attract the attention (Wilson et al. 2016). Most relevant tools for them The most relevant and effective digital marketing tools available to Mystudy are: Social Media marketing Just like Go! 21, Mystudy also sees to it that it makes considerable use of the social media techniques to attract the various students. The company is present on instagram and Facebook with a limited number of followers. It mainly gets its business with the help of word of mouth through these platforms (Foxall 2014). It understands that the target market is always present on the social media and thus it can grasp their attention. Website factors My study has designed their website in a manner such that they are quite easy to use for their potential customers the website has a wide variety of sections which describe the various services which are offered by the customers and also provide a background of how the company has established itself and how they have fulfilled the dreams of the different students. The website has a section where they have stated down the various universities they are affiliated to and how it has been successful in the past (Weinstein and Pohlman 2015). This speaks for itself and builds confidence which attracts the customers. Tools to be adopted from My study Website factors- My study has a well defined website which is one of its greatest factors towards success. It has different sections with the help of which the potential students who want to get associated with the consultancy company can clear its doubts and learn more information about the company. It also has a live chat option which will help the company to clear the doubts of the various customers. Go! 21 can take this essence of their websites and make their website according to the guideless of its competitors in order to achieve high chances of success. Live videos and chats- As stated earlier, MyStudy indulges in a live chat on its social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook to engage the different customers and make them believe in the services of the company (Chernev 2018). They also involve the experience of the other students, who have taken the services earlier so that the trust in the company is built and more customers take in these services. Hence, o1 21 should also utilise the social media platforms and use these services in order to gain popularity and build trust and loyalty in the minds if the students. Recommendations and improvements for Go! 21 Very often the business houses lack sufficient resources with respect to the time, funds and the right people. As this is the age if start-ups many talented people would like to set up their own start-up. Hence, the cultural is slowly shifting whereby the people do not want to work for others, Hence Go! 21 are facing the problem of lack of resources whereby the business is unable to find the right people at the right time (Pasquier and Villeneuve 2017). On top of that the funds are also quite limited .Hence; the company cannot invest more in marketing techniques. Increasing visibility or generating quality leads Despite using various techniques like Pay per clicks and conversion rate, businesses like that of Go! 21 lack the sufficient funds which shall allow them to invest in more visibility technique which will grow its business. Visibility is the key to success these days and therefore the company is facing problems with respect to the visibility factor. The right social media platform There are a wide variety of social media platforms available for the business to use but very often the choice available to the company is quite limited because of large avenues available and limited resources. Hence, finding that one right social media platform is a difficult task for a firm. Production and delivering the content takes a lot of time The content that needs to be posted on the various advertising platforms available takes a lot of time and content preparation (Ramaswamy and Mosher 2013). This takes about months to prepare which is very difficult in the recent times of changing economy. Keeping up with trends and technology With the advent of technology, there are various trends which are upcoming and lead to amalgamation of various ideas and types of advertisements. For a normal business, it is extremely difficult to match up with all available avenues. The key strategic issues relating to digital marketing The key strategic issues which a company like Go! 21 faces with respect to digital marketing are: Attracting and Retaining the Clients The clients are exposed to a wide variety of options these days and then this tends to make their choices quite varied. Hence, even through an avenue like digital marketing, attracting and retaining the clients is a very difficult task (Chaffey and Ellis-Chadwick 2016). Not all ads tend to attract the customers and for this reason, the company must make the ads in such a manner that makes them able to attract the clients. Attracting Top Talent The company cannot carry out the digital strategies on its own and it needs a very qualified team for that purpose. However, hiring a top talent with expertise i n the various digital marketing capabilities is not an easy task and hence, the companies face difficulties with respect to the given aspect. Managing Client Expectations Another digital marketing issue faced by the company is management of the expectations of the different clients. The clients pay a hefty amount of money to avail the services of the consultancy group and hence expect the company to solve all their problems (Ryan 2016). They set high expectations from the different firms and very often the companies face a lot of difficulties in abiding by these expectations. Getting Results andPublicity for Clients It is also difficult to get the results due to these high expectations that are set by the client. When the clients pay for a business, they begin to assume that they will get all their desires fulfilled in one go which is not easy. Hence, very often despite using the digital marketing technique, a business is unable to gain the required response. Adapting to media changes As media is greatly linked to technology and technology keeps on getting advance with time, the media landscape is ever changing and the company needs to adapt to those changes in order to ensure that it is doing its best. However, the companies find it extremely difficult to do so.The elements of a digital marketing plan to address the issues discussed The elements of digital marketing plan to address the issues addressed are as follows: Building the potential customer personality Customer is the kind and hence, it is considered extremely important for any given enterprise to plan and make the profile of the different customers that are actually required for a business like Go! 21 (Tiago and Verssimo 2014 pp.703-708). This cannot be a normal plan like simply targeting the most convenient profile of customers. Proper brainstorming sessions should be conducting by the directors of Go! 21 in order to form the consumer profile Identifying goals and tools needed Planning and goal setting is considered to be a very important aspect of any media plan. It is extremely important for the company to budget for the necessary digital marketing tools which are necessary for an educational consultant like that of Go! 21. Evaluating existing plans When all the planning has been done, the company should make it a point to review the plans and once go though it so that they are sure that everything is set as per the requirements and they also need to see to it that there is no loopholes in the given plans. Audit the media strategy When all the media tools and techniques have been set and applied as per the planned moves, Go! 21 should constantly revise its tools and methods and see to it that they are at par with their plans and that all resources that have been dedicated towards the planned tools (Jrvinen and Karjaluoto 2015 pp.117-127). Lastly as per the digital marketing strategy`s elements, Go! 21 should constantly revise its tools and strategy in order to stay updating with the changing media landscapes and customer preferences References Andreson, J.C., Narus, A.J. and van Rossum, W., 2016. Customer Value Propositions in Business Markets. Harvard Business Review. March, pp.91-99 Ardley, B.,2016. Telling Stories about Strategies:A Narratological Approach to Marketing Planning The Marketing Review, 6, 197-209 Westburn Publishers Ltd Armstrong, G., Kotler, P., Harker, M. and Brennan, R., 2015.Marketing: an introduction. Pearson Education. Babin, B.J. and Zikmund, W.G., 2015.Exploring marketing research. Cengage Learning. Baker, M.J. and Saren, M. eds., 2016.Marketing theory: a student text. Sage. Chaffey, D. and Ellis-Chadwick, F., 2016.Digital marketing. Prentice Hall. Chernev, A., 2018.Strategic marketing management. Cerebellum Press. Coombes, P.H. and Nicholson, J.D., 2013. Business models and their relationship with marketing: A systematic literature review.Industrial Marketing Management,42(5), pp.656-664. Czinkota, M.R. and Ronkainen, I.A., 2013.International marketing. Cengage Learning. De Mooij, M., 2013.Global marketing and advertising: Understanding cultural paradoxes. Sage Publications. Facebook. ,2018.Facebook log in or sign up. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Mar. 2018]. Foxall, G., 2014. Strategic Marketing Management (RLE Marketing)(Vol. 3). Routledge. Go! 21 Education. ,2018.Go! 21 Education. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Mar. 2018]. 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Marketing Strategies Engaging Generation -Myassignmenthelp.Com Question: Discuss About The Marketing Strategies Engaging Generation? Answer: Introduction Dalmore is a luxurious brand in the industry of premium whiskey. Dalmore distillery was built in 1839 by Alexander Matheson and following his death, the distillery was sold to the Mackenzies in 1891. After a series of acquisitions, the company was finally acquired by Whyte Mackay, under the business tycoon Vijay Mallyas United Brand Group. The company is famous for creating high class, exclusive and luxurious brands, which appeals to the affluent customers all across the globe. The company sells one of the best quality single malt whiskeys to different customers all across the world. The company has a long history and export whiskey all across the globe. The company has a world class refinery and manufactures high quality whiskeys. However, previously, the company struggled to attribute a specific brand image for the organization. Previously, Dalmore did not have any sense of its identity or any belief as a brand. It is important for the companies to create a specific brand value so that the organization can connect to different generations of whiskey drinkers. In the recent years, the company has developed a specific value of the brand, Bravery which provides an ideal platform to enhance the distribution of the organizations products. The new brand image of the organization has been crucial in combining the heritage, product and the modern culture of the organization[1]. These branding initiatives of the organization have increased the sales magnificently. There are several aspects such as the marketing campaigns on the social media such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, which has increased the market share of the organization. History of the Brand The history of the organization began in 1263. Colin of Kintail, saved his King from the attack of Royal stag. This act of bravery and decisiveness was rewarded by the King by offering him motto I shine, not burn. and he was awarded a 12-pointed Royal Stag as the crest of the clan. It created the foundation of the distillery. The Dalmore distillery was established in 1839, and it was founded by Alexander Matheson. Then after, the company took several initiatives to create a perfect production location, where natural resources can be used for producing a single walt whiskey. After the foundation of the company, the founders searched for a perfect location to gain access to the natural resources and developing infrastructure for producing whiskey. Later, the distillery was taken over by the brothers of Clan Mackenzie in 1867 and they offered two different things to the company, which was handed over to them by generations. It includes the emblem of their clan, which is the symbol of royal stag. Till now, the company focuses on the customer satisfaction as it delivers unique taste, dedicated to the sourcing of fine woods, and commits the time so that whiskey matures to perfection. Reference Market of the Organization The company has evolved to present itself as a luxurious brand. The organization has developed its marketing strategy to target the affluent customer segments in different countries. In the UK, the company targets the affluent customers over the age of forty. Most of the customers of the company are affluent businessmen. In other countries, these countries have high demand for whiskey. The company targets the people in the age group of 25 to 40, which are the middle class customers. In Russia, the cost of Whiskey is more than the cost of a single bottle of vodka; however, there are a large number of customers from the middle class segment. Therefore, the company targets this section of customers[2]. The target customers of the Dalmore Brand can be characterized on the basis of following features: Demographic characteristics Mostly men, within the age group 40 and more Psychographic characteristics Customers, who are attracted towards luxury and premium brands. Mostly, affluent lifestyle Behavioral characteristics The luxury seekers who are conscious of the quality of the product Geographic characteristics People from all across the globe Competitiveness of the Environment The whiskey market is the third largest market segment and the fastest growing industry in the international spirit market. It is expected that the Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of the whiskey industry will be about 5% between the years 2016 to 2020, which is good for the industry[3]. According to the market trends, the demand for the premium whiskey is rising in the potential markets of the USA and the UK. The growing demand in these markets is one of the key drivers for the growth of the market[4]. There are several other factors such as the increase in the disposable income of the middle class and the increased demand for the premium whiskey brands, which has increased the growth of this market[5]. Whiskey is considered as an affordable luxury, which can drive the manufacturers towards premium brand offerings. There are also growing trends such as the demand for the organic scotch whiskey, which has enhanced the demand of the growth of the market. The organic distilleries of Whiskey are avoiding the use of artificial colors, which is helping the whiskey distilleries to target the customers, who are conscious about their health. A significant number of customers consider that whiskey is an affordable luxury; therefore, the manufacturers have launched premium and super-premium brands. There are three main categories in the scotch whiskey market, which are malt scotch, grain scotch and blend scotch. The blend scotch has a market share of 79% and this market segment is growing due to the high demand from the customers. The highest demand for the whisky emerges from the European market, which account for 34% sales of the whiskey. Turkey is also an emerging market for the organization. Other than that, there are also several other markets of France, Spain and Germany, which accounts for significant sales of the whiskey manufacturing organizations. It can be critiqued that the global whiskey market is quite fragmented due to the presence of several small and large whiskey suppliers. There are several competitive factors such as quality of the product, pricing, innovation capability of the brand, customer service, distribution and the promotion, which can help the companies in developing their brand. In the current market scenario, the companies are focusing on reducing the product and price to combat the enhanced market competition[6]. In the markets of the USA and the UK, there is a growing demand for the Irish Whiskeys and the American Bourbon. These types of whiskey have a higher demand than usual; therefore, it is projected that these brands will grow at a CAGR OF 8% to 7%[7]. The product segmentation of whiskey can be divided into Scotch whisky, US whisky, Canadian whisky and the Irish whisky. The Indian whiskey products are also growing substantially. Dalmore is a popular brand, which is popularly becoming the most consum ed Whiskey in the world. In the recent times, whiskey is growing popular in all the age groups and motivating vendors to establish target markets. There are several companies, which are emerging from Japan, Croatia, Taiwan, China, New Zealand and Sweden, which are enhancing the competition in the whiskey market. The market trends also states that whiskey sales will be beneficial for the big distillers; however, small companies will not benefit from the projected growth. The operations of these companies are facilitated by the purchase and the sale of bulk whiskey and the price is determined by the fluctuations in the demand and supply of the product[8]. There are also several companies, which have built a major brand without owning a distillery. The growth in the whiskey industry is also characterized by the entry barriers in the whiskey industry. These entry barriers pertain to the production side of whisky as the establishment of a distillery requires that the company wait for at least three years, before entering the distribution. There is a regulation, which states that scotch must be matured for three years, before they can be sold to the consumer companies[9]. Characterization of the Target Customers of the Company In the recent years, the company has made substantial efforts to position itself as a luxurious brand. The company has adopted the vision or the style statement of Bravery platform. It has assisted the company in establishing a unique brand image and associating with the luxury seeking customers of the world[10]. It has created flagship marketing with several companies, hotels and the event organizers. As such, the company has established as the leading suppliers of several multinational hotels. The premium brands of the company are sold to Michelin star restaurants or 5 star hotels of Paris. Vision of the Brand The company aims to become an exclusive brand. It has aimed to develop hubs and flagships in different cities of London, Paris and New York. The vision of the brand is to produce qualitative product, and provide luxurious amenities. The company aims to achieve unparalleled expertise and intimate knowledge about whiskey distillation, which can help the organization to create super luxury single malt whiskey. Positioning of the Brand The company has positioned itself as an exclusive and extremely luxurious brand. It caters to the needs of the affluent men of the society. Recently, the company has launched a triple-matured single malt 40 years old whiskey, which is worth 6000 euros/per bottle. It was the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the founder of the company, Richard Paterson. The company tries to position itself with the top 10% of the competition. The company desires to become pinnacle brand in the whiskey category. In order to maintain the brand image, the company has used the key symbol of pricing. Brand Contract The brand contract refers to the promises that a brand makes with its customers. The company has made a strategy to position itself as an exclusive brand for the most affluent society of the world. In this regard, the company has taken several initiatives such as creating flagships with the most of the Michigan star restaurants and the five star hotels. It also promotes itself to the whiskey tasting events. The company promises to offer exclusive taste and quality whiskey to the customers[11]. The customers tasting the whiskey will feel elite and special. The vision statement of the organization is To the Brave, which associates with the history of the organization. It has created a bold identity for the organization which also indicates the strong heritage of the distillery. It is the only whiskey tasting company, which offers single malt whiskey in the six cask finish. The whiskey is matured in American White oak Ex-bourbon casks, and then it is divided into different casks, such as small batch bourbon, Matusalem Oloroso Sherry, Cabaret Sauignon, Port, Maderia and Marsala[12]. Narrative and Codes of Brand Dalmore is an ultra-premium brand, which has recently changed its visual merchandizing standards to enhance the brand image of the organization. The current brand strategy of the organization is to design a better whiskey appearance for the consumers. It is one of the fastest growing ultra-premium brands, which offers unique single malt whiskey to the consumers. It is available finest restaurants and outlets. The company also has a strong reputation among the whiskey connoisseurs as the single malt whiskey has a long history and finesse. It is considered as the leading rare whiskey investment choice. The company has developed a new visual identity with its emblem to connect more with the customers and make them aware of the excellent heritage and its innovations regarding the casks and the dynamic ageing of the whiskey. The expertise and the knowledge of the organization assist the company are producing the sumptuous and layered single malt whiskey. The company has also focused on the consumer experience and is focused on providing a multi layered highly polished experience to the customers. The outlets of the company have a unique and highly polished aesthetics and the companys representatives take care of every single detail. The new product of the organization has the hidden depths of storytelling and, as a result, the company has achieved new standards of brand experience and has engaged number of customers. It has also created new look for the retail experience and has also made collaboration with different airports such as Dubai Airport, Guangzhou Airport to provide ever rich duty free products. It has also established new collaboration with different flagships and they have created a new standard and trade partners for its sale in Asia[13]. Summary It is summarized that Dalmore is an ultra-premium brand, which focusses on the affluent men and the business men all across the globe. Over the years, the company has designed a unique brand with the tagline of to the brave. The organization has established a proper strategy to position itself among the most luxurious brands of the world. Prominent business person and business executives buy whiskeys from this brand. The company has made collaborations and flagships with the several affluent companies, and hotels which contribute in maintaining highly luxurious brand image of the organization. Recommendations to Extend Branding Strategy Currently, the company has selected a very niche market of the highly affluent male section of the society. It is ultra-premium brand and caters to the needs of exclusive customers. The products of the company are extremely luxurious and cost a fortune. However, with the cost, comes the exclusive taste and exceptional customer service[14]. The customers experience excellent hospitality and enjoy exclusive ambience. However, the company can extend its target market to other sections of the society. It can assist the organization in achieving high level of profitability. The organization can extend the target market to women customers. In regard to the female customers, the company can produce extremely light whiskey. It can become fairly popular among the ladies. The cost of the product will be determined at a high level to maintain its brand image of catering highly affluent people[15]. The company will also develop an exclusive digital marketing strategy for engaging with these cust omers. Evolution of the Target Market The target market of the organization is defined as the ultra-luxurious women customer base. It is important to attain excellent consumer insight before the determination of the target market and proposing a target mix. It can be posited that the brand luxury cannot be defined by exclusive logos and presentation. Today, the luxurious brands are promoted with a subtle, personal and exclusive approach. There are several unique features of the consumers of the whiskey consumers of the company. These characteristics are: The consumers are highly successful in their field. They are people of substance and their decision impacts several other people in their lives. They are independent thinkers and highly successful in their field Although they are confident and opinionated, they are also open to new learning and welcome new thoughts. These customers appreciate the diverse luxuries of lives and have strong opinion and desire to indulge and talk about them. They are obsessed with detail and can easily identify small mistakes, These people have a high level of sophistication and want them to be differentiated from the standard users. The company will target women with similar consumer characteristics. Product/service mix and the possible extension strategy In the present paper, a marketing mix is proposed for developing a light whiskey, specifically for the women customers. The development of a specific marketing mix is important for the organization as it can directly impact the purchase behavior of the customers. Product: The product is whiskey, which is specifically brewed for women. It also encompasses the accessories, packaging, and services. As Dalmore is an exclusive brand, it can provide exclusive services to the customers. The service factor of the product, should not be separated and the company should try to provide exclusive services to the customers. It includes exceptional ambience, taste and treatment by the customer service executives. It is an important component of the customer service as the customers remember only from their feelings and the memories developed with experience from the brand. It is important to make the customers feel that they are exceptional and they enjoying luxury. The organization should make sure that the whiskey experience is attached along with the purchase of the bottle. It will increase the sales of the product and drive the profitability of the organization[16]. The packaging of the hotel will use the light colors so that it appeals to the women cu stomers. Place: The place dimension of the marketing mix refers to the availability of the product at different locations for the disposal of the customers. It encompasses all the activities undertaken for the distribution of the product and the places at which the product is available. The whiskey and the alcohol industry are highly regulated and require the navigation of the heavy logistics for the distribution within the different places. The company can began with the launch of the new whiskey with a tasting ceremony. They can also plan to organize different whiskey tasting sessions or events especially for the elite women of the society. The product can also be promoted at the high end parties organized at the flagship hotels. Other than that, the company can use specific targeting. In this process, it will invite the highly elite customers to purchase the hotel. The distribution channels can be chosen for the coverage of the channel, control over the channel and the flexibility of the c hannel. In direct marketing, the companies have the maximum control over end product. Price: The price of the product refers to the value, which is charged for a specific product or service. The price is a complex decision and the business organizations have to consider the supply, demand, and competitors pricing and other factors in determining the price of the organization. The pricing is directly proportional to the level of demand of the customers. It means that if the price of the product increases, the consumers demand will decrease[17]. The price of the product is also directly linked to the perceived quality of the organization. There are also several demographic and psychographic factors which impacts on the product price. In the alcohol industry, prestige pricing strategy is commonly used to determine the price of the products. In this industrial sector, the price sensitivity is less of the external factors. The tasting events in the alcohol industry come under the monopolistic competition, in which the alcohol producing companies have the freedom to enter and exit a place with differentiated products. In the alcohol industry, the products are not identical; therefore, the overall sales are determined by the differentiation and the advertisement than the price of the product. It can also be considered as monopolistic competition; therefore, in the alcohol industry, the pricing decisions must be taken after careful consideration. According to the brand image of Dalmore, the company has to maintain the brand image of catering to the needs of the elite customer base. The company can utilize the strategy of premium pricing. The premium pricing refers to the process of keeping the product price high so that a favorable perception can be achieved in the mind of the customers. This pricing strategy is used to exploit the tendency of the customers to presume that high priced products are costly in nature. The luxury is often associated with the high price of the products. Promotion: In the marketing mix, promotion refers to advertisement of the product attributes to the target audience. This communication is focused to enhance the awareness of the customers, develop positive image and establishing prospective target market for the organization. There are several channels of advertising such as sales promotion, public relations, and direct marketing. The advertisement is a paid promotional technique and the communication is beneficial to reach large number of customers[18]. The whiskey tasting requires limited advertising as only the elite customers will be targeted in this method. Special invites and referrals can be used in this advertising method[19]. The public relation can also be used to positively influence the mass media. It is a form of non-personal media, which can create positive publicity for the organization. Personal selling and flagships can be used for communicating with the customers and making them aware of the new product. Effective marketing strategies can be used to send a clear and consistent message to all the people of the organization. The direct marketing is another approach through which the employees can engage in personal communication, mails or mobile marketing to sell the product to the customers. The retail strategy The affluent and rich women customers are essentially one of the trickiest and the desirable sector for the brands. The access to this customer segment is quite difficult. Regarding the luxurious customer segment, the first impression to the brands is very desirable. Moreover, since it is a small niche customer segment, each and every customer is very important. Women have a tendency to look a product and its features to the detail. In addition to it, they also readily accept new products according to the recent market trend. Therefore, the product or the brand must look luxurious right from the first impression. It should feel appeasing to the senses and taste exceptional[20]. There should be no room for mistakes and the company should focus on providing unique experience to the customers, which encompass the taste, ambience and the overall experience with the brand. Another approach is to conduct organic advertising and lots of images in the online strategy. It is important that the design and the social media features should focus to appeal to the taste of women. While using this strategy, it is important that the tone and the style of the brand should suit the style and the tone of the organization. The company can also invite associated partners and flagships to write about their experience with the brand. It will spread the brand message in an efficient manner so that the company can easily reach to a broad audience. Another strategy, which can be used to entice high end women customers, is to make the access to the products a little challenging. When the customers of the organization do not have an access to the product, the desire of the customers to attain the item will increase. Therefore, the company should give special emphasis to the design of the whiskey bottles. It can also implement a selective sales strategy in which the company offers the product to the selective customers based on reference. It will increase the prestige of the organization. The company can show the customers their exclusiveness by providing limited and bona fide products to the customers. Other retail strategies, such as limited and high-end packaging can be used to increase the exclusiveness of the product[21]. The characteristic of the high end luxurious market is that it has limited customers. It means that each and every customer is important for the organization. The company can use the transparency to engage the customers with the organization. The transparency can give the people a better understanding of the company and the products. It also develops as the strength of the company. The company can showcase its transparency in the social media by documenting the events and engaging the customers with the lifestyle and ethos of the customers[22]. Another important aspect of the retail strategy is that visuals are important to attract new customers. These features are important in engaging the customers at an emotional level. Therefore, in the broadcast strategy, the company can attract new customers to the organization. In the retail purchase, the company will try to add other components such as aroma and touch to establish a strong emotional connect. It can be critiqued that there is not much difference between the luxury shoppers and the people who purchase for the basic amenities. The successful marketing refers to the process in which the business enterprises search about the features and brands that appeal to the customers and use them to attract the customers[23]. The digital strategy The company will develop an exclusive strategy for catering the women customers. It has to redesign the digital strategy as the current digital strategy has the theme of bravery and darkness, which can only appeal to men. The company has established global hubs in London, Paris and New York. Recently, it has also opened new routes and market in the Asian countries. The marketing team of the company should promote the brand in the digital platforms, so that the luxury credentials of the company should be shared with the potential customers. The website of the company is dark, clunky and is not used friendly. It is based on old-fashioned concepts and did not represent the brand positioning and the consumer usage. The social channels of the organization should promote the brand voice and place them in different posts. With a novel digital marketing strategy, the company has the opportunity to enhance its inline perception and digital brand[24]. The company should link with the social networks and should indicate their commitment to provide extremely luxurious experience. The digital communication is an excellent opportunity for Dalmore, to present their luxury credentials to the global audience. The global marketing team should follow some key principals in their digital marketing strategy. Firstly, the company should assure that all the visual designs should be light and clean. It should include light colors as they will be attractive to the women customers. According to the web behavior of the customers, the companies should develop responsive design, scrolling and tablet-friendly web pages. Moreover, the social media pages and the website should have ultra-luxurious presentation to entice the customers. Before the implementation of the digital branding strategy, it is important that the company has all the prerequisites for developing an exclusive brand image in the digital mediums. These materials encompass different assets such as distillery, a creation of the brand story, and developing unique content for each of the whiskies of Dalmore. These visual assets will be essential in developing a unique brand image of the company. In the new design, the website and the applications should create a responsive design layout for attracting more customers. In order to implement the digital strategy, the company should partner with the boutique agencies, so that they can provide excellent designs and strategies for the companies. The digital partners of the organization should have extensive experience in social media platforms and should be associated with luxury fashion industry[25]. The current image of the Dalmore distillery is static and is not properly engaging to the audience. The global marketing team of the organization should present its distillery in an engaging fashion. The photographs attached to the website and the social media account should be highly engaging and should be able to create a sense of emotional engagement with the organization. The distillery should be shown in a personal manner. The digital marketing team should take different photographs from different locations such as still house, warehouse and the tasting room of the organization. In the digital communication, the company can also focus on video and films, which shows the maturation process of whiskey at Dalmore in an attractive manner. The video and the music theme of these videos should align with the product and the image of the organization. The website and the mobile application should be redesigned so that it is responsive for the mobile and the tablet users and has an intuitive navigation and smooth transition[26]. The social media feeds of the organization should focus on developing the brand image of extremely luxurious organization. The digital strategy should highlight the credentials of the organization in London and Paris hubs. The marketing team of the organization should also develop a series of cocktail videos so that the sharing the cocktail videos in the social platform of the organization. These videos and films should assist the company is showing their creativity and passion to the customers[27]. The digital marketing strategy of the organization should communicate the brand as an effective, vibrant and dynamic brand. The content strategy should engage the customers with the brand, which is necessary for the brand activation. Other than that, the digital strategy of the organization should provide consistency to all the platforms engaged in the media communication. Moreover, the luxury brand positioning of the organization should reflect in its branding strategy. Conclusion In the current report, the branding strategy for Dalmore, a premium whiskey company has been proposed. It is a premium whiskey organization, which caters to the needs of premium customers. The current customers of the company include elite management person. However, in order to extend the customers of the organization, the company needs to expand its branding strategy. The company can launch a new whiskey for women, which is light to drink. A branding strategy is developed for the new product. A digital communication strategy can also be used for the development of the brand. 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